Friday, January 29, 2010

And the award goes to....

We are so proud of Andy, he has once again be recognized as the CGO (Company Grade Officer)of the quarter for the wing. This is a pretty big deal especially since we have only been stationed here at Hill for only about 3 months. Andy was very surprised to be awarded. What is even better is that Andy is really getting recognized by all of his hard work and great leadership as the flight commander. The Squadron commander even told Andy that he was not surprised at all that he won the award. I am sharing this info because Andy is just too humble and would probably never mention it but like I said we are just so proud of him!
Sorry for the proud wife post! haha

Well things are taking a turn, hopefully for the best with Andy getting this award, Ranneth just got accepted into her Education program and will be student teaching in September, Haley is sleeping through the night (Thank goodness!) and Cara is just amazing us with how much older she seems each and every day, she is just growing up too fast! Haley also just cut two of her teeth and it is about time. We have just been waiting and waiting for these teeth to come in since at this age Cara already had at least 10 teeth already.
As for the drama with finding a daycare provider, we are still in a search for one and we have a meeting with 2 this upcoming week so please pray that one of them will make a good fit for the girls!
Not really sure if anyone is really reading our blog anymore but hope you all are doing well and we miss and love you all!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Where's my mommy?!?!

Well some of you may already know about what we have been dealing with here in Utah. Ranneth has been working like crazy to get into her student teaching cohort so that she can graduate in December 2010 so she has been doing a few observation hours in the schools. We just started leaving the girls with an on base day care provider. Oh boy! is all I have to say. Haley has been having really bad stranger anxiety and separation anxiety. I guess that is what happens when you are attached to the baby 24/7 for 3 months. Haley cried well more like screamed the whole 2 1/2 hrs that I had left them. The next time was not any better. We tried all the tricks, like leaving a picture or a piece of clothing with her. Even Cara was trying to calm her down but nothing worked. The day care provider then threatened to drop us if things weren't going to get better the next time I dropped them off. Of course I was freaked out by losing the only day care provider that was accepting infants so I sought out the help from the best resource I could think of... Facebook! I pleaded with all the mothers I knew for any suggestions and for a miracle! We left the girls again a few days ago and I don't know if it was everything that we had tried to get Haley to get used to not seeing me every waking hour or if it was just a miracle but Haley did a complete 180 and was actually happy at the providers house! Whew! So right now we are safe from being dropped but we will see how it goes next week! Here's hoping!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

The past year has gone by so fast. We had a baby, bought a new house, and moved across the country within a few months. 2010 I am sure is going to be full of great things as well. Andy will be finishing up his Masters and I hope to be doing my student teaching in September and graduating in December and I am sure many more great things to look forward to.

One thing that has been really exciting lately is that Haley is so close to crawling. On New Year's Eve she started to try to get up on her knees and accomplished it a couple of times for a very and I mean a very short period of time. This morning she has been really trying at crawling by getting up on her knees and starting to rock and trying to move one of her knees forward. Cara is being so encouraging of Haley by cheering her on and telling her Good Job!

Hope everyone had a good New Years Eve and here's to a fantastic 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Our First Christmas in Utah

Our Christmas here in Utah was very nice and relaxing. We had snow on the ground for Christmas for the first time in 3 years, it was Haley's first Christmas and our whole family's first Christmas in our new home in Utah.

Thank you to all of you that helped make our girls Christmas even more special by sending gifts. They loved each and every one of them. They got everything from the Tumbling Tony's that Grandpa Yaeger made for both girls ( I don't know if the girls were more excited or if we were!) to a Barbie Power wheels Jammin Jeep. Cara has been practically living in the Power wheels car for the past 2 days. She is even showing signs of Road rage already by randomly screaming jibberish out of her car. I swear she does not get it from me! As for Haley, she was just as excited about getting ahold of the wrapping paper as what was in the present. However she does love the singing dog that Grandpa and Shelley gave her. She automatically smiles and laughs when it starts singing and lights up!

Again I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I have uploaded videos of Cara getting her Jeep and her helping Haley open her gifts from Grandpa and Shelley. Hopefully you will get to know our kids a little better through our short videos and pictures!

Also if you haven't seen the pictures of Cara and Haley from their photo session, you can check out the proofs here:
Access Code: LTTT0894114332TAR

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hopefully no one was on the naughty list this year and Santa brought everyone what they wanted. We just finished making Christmas cookies, put out milk and cookies for Santa, kept the Yaeger tradition going and read The Littlest Angel and now the girls are fast asleep.

This is the first year that Cara is really starting to understand Santa. She was getting so excited tracking Santa on the internet and watching the little videos of him flying over different cities. She has really been in the Christmas spirit and has been singing Jingle Bells and We wish you a Merry Christmas all day for the past few days. She even wanted to sing for you all so I have included a short video of her singing Jingle Bells. This is our first Christmas as a family with a white Christmas hopefully you are having a white Christmas as well!

We hope you all are doing well and we really wish we could be there celebrating with you! We love you all and miss you dearly!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Welcome to our new Blog!

First off I want to welcome you all to our brand new blog site! I decided to create this blog so that I could post videos and more pictures of the girls and our family. The other site limited what I could post on the site. So from now on I will be updating this blog instead. Hope you enjoy the new site and I will be posting pics and videos soon!